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New Year’s Eve
“We go to War to demand Peace!”
Needed to QUIT this Mindset Mindset ~ Mindsetting
“We all pay for each other” in the favela sister
Fear controls these people! But eventually…….!
“How do You die in a Crossfire on the street?”
Meditating ~ we’re Capable of…. all I heard was Chaos.
“As long as we live in a War Zone our Ideology
Won’t allow us to be passive & live in comfort.
Sweating Lambada with a temptress, Maria Gasolina.
A sea spirit asked me to come & talk to a broken body”.
“ Then I felt the Greatest Happiness”
“You’ll have to work through this Barrier of Pain”
“I am a Warrior of the People”
What we create and destroy is passed
~ through the Generations
(Macumbas > offering to the Ocean God)