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Mind Fucked

Mind Fucked

 Mind Fucked Being Mental ~ Looking for Ourselves is making the Duality. When there’s nothing more there ~ You’re Self Aware. Seeking for the Spirit ~ when You Are The Spirit!!!! While you’re feeling your body you’re Not Thinking. Just the PURE FEELING in all of Life...
‘It’s a Mind Field’

‘It’s a Mind Field’

  ‘It’s a Mind Field’ Being Open ~ All going on Inside there. Listening to the silence ~ Inner stillness. “Thinking makes me stay in the duality” In the Mind; Switch ~ off mental distraction It’s so simple, that the brain couldn’t get it ~ can’t perceive the silence...
Cosmic Dust

Cosmic Dust

 Cosmic Dust Over the Sun’s explosions we get more and more light! “You come from another Star” And now you’ve come to Earth ~ Expressionism of a Celestial seed. Free Mind to be Open ~ a sacred happening And I’m longing for that ~ “to be in it Or Not to be in it” ~...


 Breathalyser “You seem in a very good mood!” ~ “Blow into this!” “I’ve only had a couple of beers but don’t feel very well officer” My baby turned off at the last Island on the left in a red Cadillac The Riot van pulled...
Open Heart

Open Heart

 Open Heart Keeping the Love forever ~ Hard to reconcile Torture ~ away from all this Brainwashing….. Borderline personality disorders, Defence Mechanism technique, ‘Maharaja Mirage’, Role behaviour ~ “We have to shoot someone!” The Authority, Power, those on...