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She sent Shivas down my spine

She sent Shivas down my spine

The Trappings of Mind
focusing just a method of going Inside.
No branding, just the essential breath.
Got the Force, live within a golden Magus.
Why waste your time attacking a fiery bush
“Love thy neighbour” could that be true?
At Peace with ourselves, own Peaceful Vibe.
Rabelais’ Perfect Iris
Another Goddess
She sent Shivas
down my spine
tickling little blue men & ‘putto’ cherubim.
We’ll see we’ll see, there’s more to the picture
than meets the cortex, ask any envious Viking
DNA Clinging to the mast of grim Odin
lost in a Maelstrom of axes & arrows.
Is this what you call ‘Civilisation’?
feeding your children alive to vultures
in the middle of the Slave market
Why you wearing a shirt so short?
I can read your luscious lips
stacked like Aphrodite’s voluptuous hips.
daddy come to church, need some saving.
Azul Govinda’s 16,000 wives & one girlfriend
got it back to front, the wrong way round.
Candy flipping in a Lhasa talking rainbow
key to the Door, of Psychoactive designs.
Didn’t I see you at the Maharajah’s Palace in Jaipur?
Healing, channeling, ask upstairs; It’s all about Trust.
Waiting for the farmer to pull me out of the field
Rooted in the Mind > Thinking < Entrapment!
Magic Angel Showers you with Love ~ Enchantment