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On vie les reves ~ It's up to you

On vie les reves ~ It’s up to you

Tao Clearness
Understand ~ between the words
I Love it ~ All the Allowance
To go out to change ~ to flow
The Key in Lock
Key is Spirit + Lock is minus –
Synchronicity ~ of allowing them to fall in One
Key experiences
It can open a Lock.
She lost the key,
gave her the key back.
I can only be with someone who is Free
Same frequency ~ (being in) harmony
Direct connection * (to) through the heart
Don’t need any more Certified Swedish Nightmares!
How to live through that change in experience?
Last change ~ for turn around can be dangerous
to lose yourself so simple, you throw the game.
I allow myself ~ to experience ~ the Higher frequency
Being open to this Invasion of beauty, focusing on her smile.
Fluffy Concentration, Control/Issue with the Yoga, discipline!
Focused Attention on the body level, has to love herself more.
“She had a good life with you” ~ that’s what we aspire to.
Stepping back, ‘Observation’ Essential eastern philosophy.
Acting out of the middle, they can hold it, going one side ~
Or another, Right, Wrong, as long as it has some devotion.
It’s up to you, You’re the Creator, the Creator makes You.
“I do the best, expressing tenderly the things I Love”
Loving blondes especially Bottichelli’s beauties in ecstasies.
When it comes to eating a Perfect Peach in happy penetration.
As long as you’re fully with it, no Splits in Your self.
Six stone and ringing wet, about me being happy, in a groove
Total Abundance at the feet of Rainbow coloured Shiva