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Psycho actives not a theory ~ Unity no Illusory duality ~ No Separation from Time&Space

Psycho actives not a theory ~ Unity no Illusory duality ~ No Separation from Time&Space

Precepts ~ You’re not there; perspectives & proportions
Unfolding of 10000 petalled * Potentials & perceptions.
Direct Creation walk to Muktinath, on a Summer’s afternoon.
A beautiful World, Communication
Crystal Consciousness >< the Mind our Inner net
thinking, feeling, believing, breathing, going further
Allowing & Receiving ~ next steps, stepping.
Informed thing always in the detail, wording
bothers your soul, keep super flexible ~
We are coming through Cosmic code…..
“I feel like going out and breaking 100 hearts!”
Each line Inspires me ~ Streams of Consciousness ~
Creative expressions; “Yesterday I did some Psycho actives”
You pay for it right at the Time and move on ~
If it was emotional it would be Love
Spiraling in bliss
Spinning at the speed of light * translucent Merkabite
Shortcut to Heaven on a golden ball.
Fast Track body channeling ethereal
‘Consciousness not Information ~
Everything Is Allowance