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In the Dark You Need a Light to See

In the Dark You Need a Light to See

Paradise Heaven
I thought I was in heaven
setting of the Sun how bright.
What amazing Colours you spray.
Greens yellows, all the amazing shades.
The turquoise, blue sea its current flows by ~
The Sun’s white Golden beams reflecting
changing frequencies in the ripples.
My dimension is moving ~
What is real, am I alive or dead?
Dead in the Universe.
A sight of Heaven, As Universe.
Can’t look anymore ~ Gives
the feeling of strong movement
Crashing, reeling my brain.
The texture of the sand,
the tastes, the chills ~ horrible.
Yes but there is Heaven too.
Will I move again or am I real, just
a viewer, an eye on the Supreme reality.
Is it Supreme reality?
I’m still conscious
of the reality by which I arrived here.
This is Thailand isn’t it?
This is a place? This beach, those trees,
the distant people, are they my imagery.
No they are real, so are you.
A trip, don’t lose it.
‘Inspiration’ ~ doesn’t always come easy
sometimes it takes a 22 hour bus ride.
Goa is my Meditation * connects me to the Universe