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 ‘More Shanti than Gandhi’
“Just loved it on MDMA; You do don’t you!?” ~ More Feelings.
“I’m always happy when I see a Cosmic postcard on a tree”
Insight all up or down ~ We’re just meditating on the eternal.
In between the words is Space where magic is invisibly flowing.
You’re the enlightened one because you recognize the truth!
You are the miracle ~ I have seen so much magic in my life,
means ‘get out of the way!’ Don’t believe in Identification again.
Relax so the other can Relax ~ just getting in the love frequency.
Putting your energy into it, free of it ~ It’s all Magic, I’m innocent,
I wanna believe in miracles too; Implosion ~ ‘Intent becomes reality’
We’re just consciousness, hairy & spiritual, experience in human form
Here to Learn, we’re all Spiritual fractals * energy gathering clusters.
There’s the Givers and there’s the Takers ~
And there’s all those in ~ between Spaces